20221026 Church News Briefly
Church News Briefly: October 26, 2022
Executive Board: Last week, during our annual election meeting, Kelly White and Lance Woeltjen were elected to the Executive Board. Subsequently, David Nartonis was chosen by the Board to be Chair; Sarah Manthey was selected as Vice-Chair.
Ad Hoc Survey: The Ad Hoc committee requests that survey returns be completed no later than next Monday, October 31st.
Nob Hill Neighborhood Association: The Board has decided to continue our "business" membership in the Nob Hill Neighborhood Association for another year. The Clerk will monitor news and keep the Board and membership informed about any information of importance to our church and property.
Church Directory: After the next Board meeting, scheduled for Tuesday evening, November 8th, a new church directory will be distributed listing the current Board members and the committees each one is assigned.
Executive Board