The Story of Jesus
- Walk with Jesus. Learn about his life and works, beginning with the angel Gabriel's message that Mary would bear a son. Listen to God with Joseph and Mary as they escape the sly cunning of King Herod. Journey to the Passover feast in Jerusalem with the twelve-year-old Jesus and his family. Walk the hills and valleys of Galilee as Christ Jesus preaches, heals, and teaches. Face and overcome evil as he does, even on the cross. Share the joy of his triumphant resurrection and ascension! This book emphasizes the love Jesus expressed for God and for the people through his spiritual lessons and healings. This updated appearance of a favorite childhood book, with enhanced colors and a youthful format, is a wonderful resource for parents and teachers to guide children into a true appreciation of our Master, Christ Jesus. The Story of Jesus is also intended to encourage readers to dive into the Bible text.