Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures – Sterling Edition (Paperback)
Science & Health - Sterling Edition
- “HEAL THE SICK…” These words of Christ Jesus encircling the Cross and Crown seal on this book are a sweet promise that we all possess the ability to heal ourselves, our families, our world. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures explains the spiritual teachings of the Bible, revealing the divine Science that, when understood, brings healing to all aspects of our lives and the world. For over 135 years, readers have testified that this book has given them a spiritual sense of the Bible and their permanent relationship to God, which resulted in physical healing and spiritual uplift. The last one hundred pages of this book are letters from just a few of those readers. One such letter notes that in reading this book, “I have found a God whom I can love and worship with my whole heart, and I now read my Bible with interest and understanding. I was healed of very bad rheumatism simply by reading Science and Health.” Author, teacher, and healer, Mary Baker Eddy questioned conventional views about science, theology, and medicine, and for years searched the Bible for answers. She writes, “In the year 1866, I discovered the Christ Science or divine laws of Life, Truth, and Love, and named my discovery Christian Science.” From that time forward, she devoted her life to practicing this healing Science of Christianity, teaching others how to heal in the same way, and sharing her profound insights with the world. Science and Health – Sterling Edition Paperback, 736 pages. Dimensions: 6" x 9" (15.24cm x 22.86cm)